Monday, November 16, 2015

A Charm City Mrs. (short) Birth Story

Because I’m pretty sure I read through dozens of blogs describing birth’s another one for you expectant mothers or curious creatures...(don’t worry, I’ll keep it short)

Ok first, a backstory. I was told during my entire pregnancy that Charlotte was basically going to be toddler size at birth. It made sense. My husband and I were close to 10lbs each and large babies run in both of our families. So I was induced a week after my due date. The doctors at the hospital warned me of potential shoulder dystocia or even a broken clavicle. Two weeks before I gave birth I had an ultrasound that placed her at about the 8lb 14oz mark. At this point, my doctor and midwife were concerned about her size and needed to get her out. I wanted to wait it out to see if she would come on her own...she didn’t. forward two weeks later and 21 hours of labor...and I have a beautiful baby girl. Who only weighed 8lb 1 oz!! Needless to say we were very surprised. So lesson #1... never trust the ultrasound!

I started induction at 8am on a Friday. I was put on cytotec (to soften the cervix) first, then pitocin. I knew going the ‘natural way’ just wasn’t for me (no hate). Note: it is true, pitocin contractions are more intense than without. And then it was epidural time. I still wasn’t dilated enough so the waiting game began (tip: bring things to keep you occupied). All I can say is thank goodness I have an amazing husband who kept me entertained...and also that there was a Harry Potter marathon on ABC Family. 

At one point, the epidural was just not cutting it, so I had the anesthesiologist whack it up a bit more --- do not be afraid to be honest with them about your level of pain! I could still feel the contractions, but they were just dulled down. You want to be able to feel the contraction so you know when to push.

 It wasn’t time to push until 5am Saturday morning. I had zero sleep...because who can sleep with all of that anticipation? Also because I developed an infection so was on oxygen and having my blood pressure taken every 10 minutes, who can sleep? So after 21 hours...I pushed for 10 minutes. And thank goodness. Of course the nurses tell me some women push for hours! ...hours? Really? Anyway, cue the waterworks. Without a doubt, it is the most amazing moment you will ever experience. To see this beautiful being for the first time and holding her in your arms. It is absolute heaven. 

Stay tuned for my list of things they don’t tell you about at the hospital or when you get home with your new bundle of joy!

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